Warning: Constant MODULOS_PATH already defined in /home/ibacom15/public_html/conf/config.php on line 36

Warning: Constant IMAGENES_PATH already defined in /home/ibacom15/public_html/conf/config.php on line 37

Warning: Constant ARCHIVOS_PATH already defined in /home/ibacom15/public_html/conf/config.php on line 38

Warning: Constant ARCHIVO_PDF_PATH already defined in /home/ibacom15/public_html/conf/config.php on line 39

Warning: Constant LOGOS_EMPRESAS_PATH already defined in /home/ibacom15/public_html/conf/config.php on line 40

Warning: Constant FOTOS_PERSONAS_PATH already defined in /home/ibacom15/public_html/conf/config.php on line 41

Warning: Constant PRESENTACION_PROYECTO_PATH already defined in /home/ibacom15/public_html/conf/config.php on line 43

Para participar en la Rueda de Negocios ingrese por el perfil que corresponde a su empresa
In order to participate in the Business Matchmaking, select the profile that fits your company